NYR ’22: Packaging materials decrease and switch to bio-friendly substances

December 6, 2022

Yet another BE Networks New Year’s Resolution has been achieved and we steadily progress towards the completion of our sustainability plan.

Staying true to our goals, today we are more than happy to inform you that we massively decreased the volume of packaging materials of our orders, but we also switched to the exclusive use of bio-friendly substances for every step of our refurbishment process.

This is what we accomplished:

  • We save more than 200kgs of PVC per year
  • We stop using toxic substances such as quaternary ammonium compounds, acetone, and xylene
  • We eliminate the release of fluorocarbons
  • We save more than 1000kgs of CO2 per year from the atmosphere

All you have to do is to join our movement!

#BEnetworks #betterforeveryone

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